Role Description:
• Ensures proper operation of the production machine.
• Supervises and examines the machine for any malfunctions and accordingly informs the Shift Supervisor about the performance of the machine.
• Helps to solve problems.
Main duties:
• Performs manual tasks, so as to help in the production of the final product.
• In case of damage or malfunction of the machine, the operator acts by following the operating instructions of the machine and the Production’s Shift Supervisor.
• Strictly follows occupational health and safety regulations arising from legislation as well as the company’s as hygiene and quality protocols.
• Follows a rolling shift schedule to complete work.
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Υποβάλετε αίτηση για αυτήν την ΕργασίαConstruction of mechanical installations (water supply, drainage, HVAC, fire fighting, natural gas) in projects all over Greece with the majority...
Υποβάλετε αίτηση για αυτήν την ΕργασίαDEVELOPED BY 2NET
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