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Public services made simple! (French)

31 Οκτωβρίου, 2023 @ 11:00 πμ - 12:30 μμ

”Public Services Made Simple” is a new series of monthly workshops within the Adama Center project, implemented by Caritas Hellas, in collaboration with CRS and in partnership with UNHCR.

This time, the workshop is addressed to recognized refugees who speak French and focuses on familiarizing the public services in Greece, such as EFKA and public health services (e.g., hospitals). The workshop aims to teach participants how to navigate the websites and helplines and to guide them through the process of how to make an appointment.

If you are interested in joining the workshop, please fill in the Participation Form which can be found in the following link: Participation Form.


The workshop will be conducted in French.

Maximum attendees: 20


31 Οκτωβρίου, 2023
11:00 πμ - 12:30 μμ
Training Event Category:
Enroll now →


Adama Center
Paraskevopoulou 3
Athens, 10446 Greece
+ Google Map


Adama Center

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