In a welcoming space for refugees in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, two women engage in a heartfelt conversation, like long-time friends. Mary, an employment counsellor, sits at one side of the table. At the other sit’s Binta, a refugee from Sierra Leone.
Binta arrived in Greece six years ago seeking safety but encountered a new set of challenges: language barriers, financial struggles, and racism. In 2019, she settled in Thessaloniki, determined to rebuild her life.
Today, she is visiting the Blue Refugee Centre (BRC), run by the non-governmental organization SolidarityNow. The Centre exudes a sense of familiarity and security, exactly what Binta sought when she first walked through its doors in May 2019, looking for employment opportunities and Greek language courses.
The first person Binta met at the Centre was Mary Asvesta, the coordinator of the Employability Service.
“When I first came to Greece, some people didn’t treat me well, and I thought everyone would be the same. That changed the moment I met Mary”, Binta recalls.
Reflecting on their first meeting, Mary describes Binta as “a very composed person. She arrived here with a clear desire to find employment“.
The BRC Livelihoods programme, implemented in partnership with UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, offers holistic support to refugees to facilitate their smooth integration into the country, through an expert team of job counsellors, social workers and accountants.
This programme, along with the journey Binta and Mary have undertaken together, has brought them closer. Over the past five years they have known each other, their relationship has grown beyond professional counseling and is firmly built on mutual appreciation and respect.
“Mary was the one who helped me through all the difficulties. She is my mother in Greece“, Binta says with gratitude.
Binta is one of the approximately 1,800 people who have been supported by this programme. She has received assistance in her asylum procedure, accessing social benefits, submitting tax statements, and navigating public services. Additionally, through an active business network established by the programme’s counsellors, she has been connected with potential employers. When we met Binta, she had just secured a job in the room service department of a prominent hotel in Thessaloniki.
“I took my first steps towards integration in the country after getting in touch with the Centre. They introduced me to the job search process, and now I feel more independent. Most importantly, they supported me psychologically, giving me the strength to stand on my own feet“, Binta explains.
The hotel’s Human Resources manager, who hired her, describes how impressed she was with Binta’s Greek language skills, especially considering the relatively short time she has been in the country.
“She has clearly made an effort; she has invested in her ability to communicate, which is very important. She also has a smiling and agreeable attitude, which makes her a natural fit in the tourism industry“, the manager says.
Mary highlights the strong motivation refugees have to rebuild their lives in their host country, a motivation that also Binta possesses. “In addition to their professional qualifications and educational background, refugees bring many other skills. They have resilience, adaptability, and the ability to manage frequent changes and crises. They have a lot to offer“.
Despite the challenges she has faced, Binta feels she has successfully integrated into Greek society, thanks to the support she has received through counselling. She aspires to finish school, obtain Greek citizenship, and work as a nurse so that she can give back to others. “The support I have received from others has made me who I am today, a better person“, she explains.
The trusting relationship she has built with Mary is invaluable. She shares her dreams with Mary, and together they plan the steps needed to achieve them. Even during times when Binta doesn’t need counselling, she visits the Centre and calls Mary to check in and see how she is doing.
“Mary gives me strength. No matter how stressed I am or how many problems I have, she always guides me on how to handle the challenges I face”, Bita says.
Mary shares the same need for communication, revealing how deeply her relationship with Binta has impacted her.
“Binta is like a flower. Regardless of the struggles she may go through, she is always smiling and warm. I feel that from her I gain more strength and courage not only for this job, but also for my life in general. I admire her greatly for everything she has accomplished“, Mary says.
UNHCR’s programmes are implemented thanks to the flexible funding received from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United Stated of America.